What xi? Export tax rebate from paperless to fill - free!

"Mingo said tax" press: xiaobian first saw the title of "export tax rebate from paperless to fill-free", began not to understand the exact meaning of "fill-free". Export drawback is to apply for according to taxpayer and drawback, do not declare not drawback, do not "fill in" do not have drawback sheet can "report"!
After some exploration to understand, the title and the text of the so-called "free to fill", refers to the tax refund documents part of the information does not need manual entry, through the system to take the number of automatic filling. For example, in the international trade "single window" or export tax refund declaration system input value added tax invoice number, other relevant content of the ticket does not need manual input, through the system to automatically fill in the number.


Export tax rebate from paperless to fill - free


November 16, 2020 China Tax Report by: Tong Xing Wei Gaohan Reporter Wang Liying

On November 13, Ms. Qu, a financial officer of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Co., LTD., received the information that more than 63.7 million yuan of export tax refund had been received. "From the application to the tax refund in less than 3 working days!" "Ms. Qu said.
Export tax rebate needs faster "acceleration", Shanghai Pudong New Area tax authorities through paperless, "single window" and a series of reform measures, for the development of foreign trade enterprises to add wings.
In the past, the declaration of export tax rebate (exemption) enterprises need to provide export goods declaration form, VAT special invoice deduction and a series of declaration details.
"At our peak we had about 20 people in the finance department dealing with export tax rebates." Wu Shiyi, financial director of Shanghai Silk Group, was impressed.
It also takes a lot of time and energy for the tax department to review paper documents one by one, which lengthens the tax refund cycle.
In May 2015, As one of the first pilot cities in China, Shanghai began the pilot work of export tax rebate (exemption) paperless management in Pudong New Area. Pilot enterprises in the declaration of export return (exemption) tax, only to submit electronic data, exempted the enterprise to provide each declaration data, original proof of the requirements, will be the enterprise from the "data mountain" in the complete liberation.
"After the paperless reform, the tax burden on enterprises has been significantly reduced." Wu Shiyi said.
The tax department is also a beneficiary of the reform, the audit speed and efficiency has been significantly improved. According to statistics, paperless pilot enterprises export tax rebate review speed up nearly 1/3.
In September 2015, the paperless export tax rebate began to be promoted in the whole Pudong area in batches. By the end of June 2016, the first-class, second-class and third-class export enterprises under the jurisdiction of pudong New Area Tax Bureau have all been included in the paperless export tax refund (exemption) management. Starting from January 1, 2017, Shanghai will comprehensively promote the paperless management of export tax rebate (exemption) across the city, taking Pudong as a template.
The paperless reform solves the problem of paper declaration materials, but the declaration of export tax rebate (exemption) itself requires data collection and data matching, and the declaration process is relatively cumbersome, involving the data of many other departments. From the start of export declaration to customs, companies need to submit information to multiple Windows of multiple regulatory authorities. In the link of declaring export tax rebate, paperless eliminates the pain of preparing paper materials, but financial personnel often have to open a screen window and repeatedly input the same information, which is a huge waste of time and energy for enterprises.

"Each piece of customs clearance information and purchase invoice information should be manually entered one by one, and to ensure that every time the input information is completely consistent. It is common to send extra staff to work overnight during high volume months." Nissan International trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. financial personnel Li Aihua recalled.
In view of another big problem of export-oriented enterprises, international trade "single window" arises at the historic moment. A single platform can be used for one-point access and one-time submission of standardized electronic information of documents that meet the requirements of regulatory authorities, and then the regulatory authorities can feedback the processing status and results to enterprises through a single platform. Regulatory authorities obtain relevant regulatory information through a "single window" of international trade, share regulatory resources, and transform "serial enforcement" into "parallel enforcement".
In July 2017, the new "single window" version 3.0 for international trade was launched, and 600 Pudong pilot enterprises were the first to experience it. Its functions fully cover all kinds of port law enforcement and trade management business, and basically realize the seamless connection between the "single window", taxpayers and tax bureau of export tax refund declaration process. Shanghai Sankai Import & Export Co., LTD. 's chief financial officer still remembers his feeling when he first used "single window" : "The customs declaration and invoice information matching mode greatly relieves our pressure to input documents, and also conforms to the current trend of cloud collaboration and information-based mobile office.
By the end of 2017, the Pudong New Area had fully promoted the "single window" for international trade. According to statistics, in 2017, a total of 4,572 export enterprises in Pudong New Area declared 4,316,200 items of invoice details and 6,039,600 items of export details, reducing the number of repeated entry items by nearly 105.28 million, realizing another great progress from paperless to filling-free.
"What used to take a few people a month can now be done in minutes, and our tax preparer is about to lose his job." Smic international integrated circuit manufacturing Co., Ltd. said with a smile.
The success of the pilot provides rich experience and sufficient confidence for the reform and promotion. In January 2018, Shanghai began to comprehensively promote the "single window" throughout the city. The "single Window" was rolled out nationwide in February 2019.


2021年6月24日 16:40